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Bring Out the New Year, 2017 I am Ready

Welcome to 2017!

I hope all of you are having a great beginning of the year; I certainly am, and I can honestly say that I am ready for you 2017! Now, without further ado, I can NOT believe this year will be my 9th anniversary in this country. Almost a decade has gone by and oh lord how much have I learn during all my time here. I could easily go back to the first day of high school and remember how I noted to say yes and no, and how I only used to smile to everybody without further saying more due to my lack of English, and cultural shock just at 13 years old. Now, nine years later, 22, I can proudly say that I am bilingual, I've graduated high school with honors, I have two college degrees, and I am now on my way to obtain my masters in only one short year. This, of course, has been possible with determination and sacrifices, and with the support and love of all my family, friends and especially my parents, which I am forever grateful.

So, as I sit here reflecting on the ups and downs and all the things I've accomplished since my arrival. I've decided to create and set goals for this year for the very first time in my life. Now, check that I say "goals" instead of resolutions; this is because to me, the term "resolution" is so overused that it gets forgotten right after new year's ends and you never see it again till another year comes by. If you know me personally, you know that I am a "go getter" and if I set my mind to something I will accomplish it. Therefore, I have decided to set goals, not resolutions, for myself this year as I plan to not only remain the same but will work on creating a better self, along by looking for new adventures and stories to tell.

Here are my goals for 2017:

1- Healthy Smile, & Flawless Skin

This is an easy one to do, but it can get forgotten if it's not prioritize especially with school being my main focus. Therefore I have set to take care of my oral health by visiting the dentist at least 3 to 4 times this year. So they can check for cavities and do regular cleanups. After all, people say that the smile is the window to the soul! Lol. Along with this goal, I plan to take care of my skin better, I've never been to a dermatologist, so I also plan to set an appointment to check on my skin and hopefully they can help me get a better glowy and flawless skin. Lastly, I plan to learn more about facial skin care. This is super important as I (and all of us girls/boys too) wear makeup on a daily and most of the time, makeup residue stays on our skin causing us blemishes, and we don't want any blemish this year! Right?

2- Oui, Oui L' Français

This one is one of my favorites and one that I've been working on for a while now (S/O to Mom!), but also due to school and extracurricular activities, I hardly have time to study my French. Therefore, this year I am setting the goal to learn everything from my “French for Dummies" book. Lol I know, I know... but at least I got to try. Have you learned another language before, if so how did you do it? Any advice is well received.

3- Off We Jump!

As I mention above, I am looking for new adventures and stories to tell this year. Again, this is something I wanted to do for a long time, but there has always been trouble with time and weather. But I feel like 2017 is smiling at me so therefore I have set myself to a personal goal to overcome heights, anxiety, and fear as I plan to do skydiving for the first time before my 23 birthday. Who wants to tag along?!

4- Mr. Rodriguez with a B

My fourth goal will definitely be one of the toughest this year. Rodriguez, as many call him, is a finance professor at my university. One that is very smart super taught and has your whole life in his hands. As a marketing major, I've never had an advance knowledge of finance during my undergrad, as I only took Finance online (big mistake). Now as a grad student, I will be taking him for my last credit to graduate. I have set myself not to settle for a C, and shoot for not less than a B. Getting there is going to be difficult, but I'm sure I'll be just fine as long as I work hard, anyways pray for me, and may the odds be ever in my favor... really.

5- Caps Off One Last Time.

Caps, tassels, gowns and final degrees, Masters in Business Administration here I come! Definitely, something to work towards the end of the year, and which Rodriguez will have a big factor on, as he will be my last professor during my grad program. Don't worry; I am determined to graduate this year for sure, but I'm setting the goal to maintain an overall GPA of at least a 3.5 at the end of my program. Wish me luck!

6- 3,400 Miles Across

Although, I've been lucky enough to be able to travel all across the US since I moved here. This summer I want to set a goal to travel 3,400 miles across the US on a train. I recently saw an article about this guy who traveled from San Francisco to New York City on train, and I fell in love with the idea that I really want to experience the same thing he did. You can check it out here! So, if you live in San Francisco, Salt Lake City, Chicago and New York City, let me know some fun things I should do during my visit!

7- The Daily Sash Never Stops

I decided to only have seven goals this year, as seven is my favorite and lucky number, and of course, this is the 2017 year. My last goal for this year is not to give up blogging even when times are hard, especially with school. I hope to constantly brainstorm and bring you grubby ideas throughout the year so you can also walk with me throughout this journey called life. So stay tuned for a year of adventure, DIY projects, beauty tips, recipes and overall, life with your girl Sasha Zavala.

So here you have them, my 7 goals for 2017! Did you made resolutions or did you set goals for your new year? Let me know what you are up too and if you would like to go on adventure with me. Again, don't forget to follow me on all social sites @sashazavala and The Daily Sash on Facebook. Love you all, and may this year bring you, love, health, and overall HAPPINESS.

Till the next one!

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