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My Journey with Smile Direct Club


Hello, babies!

Today I'm so excited to talk about something that I've been researching for a while, and I really want to share with you because I think you can also benefit from it. So let me start, as I mentioned on the video above I've been feeling a bit insecure about my teeth as some of them especially my bottom teeth are a bit crooked, and that has affected my confidence when I smile. Yes, I know what you are probably thinking, but even though my crooked teeth are not visible to you, I know they are there, and sometimes they limit me to smile and that is wrong, no girl or guy should feel that way. People should be able to feel confident all the time no matter the occasion.

Personally, I did use braces when I was younger, I went through the “ugly duck” phase but at least having braces was cool back in the day, thank you 90’s! Sadly, I was in the middle of my treatment when I moved to the US, and because we didn't make an effort to find a new dentist right away, the only thing that kept my teeth from moving at the stage that they were was a pair of Invisalign trays… which evidently I lost while I was in a pageant. Now at 22 years old, of course, my back molars have come out and my teeth especially the upper teeth have moved causing me to go from straight to crooked again due to my biting.

Trying to get braces at this age makes me feel even more insecure, and let's be honest braces are a bit expensive, and as a college (Grad) student, I don't necessarily have the money to invest in this procedure, again. I looked at other option such as Invisalign, but the process is still expensive, let's say I would have to actually take a semester off from school to be able to pay for them. So again my teeth had to wait.

Glady thank you to the internet and especially Pinterest, I found the Smile Direct Club a company that specializes in creating beautiful smiles at a minimal cost and time without you having to go to dentist appointments. Smile Direct Club focuses on helping people get straighter, whiter and healthier teeth all at the comfort of your home for only $99 dollars a month or a single payment of $1700 no more no less. And that man, that is music to my ears!

So after I did my research about the company and watched a few reviews from some of their clients I did found that Smile Direct Club does work and their treatments last between 4 to 6 months which is not bad at all. So now that I knew their prices and time lapse, of course, it took me a while to make the decision, because of course is not free. I am a very logical person so first I had to make sure I could fit it in my budget before jumping into it, but I knew that this something I've always wanted to do and I couldn't let this opportunity pass, so I ordered my impression kit right away.

The impression kit comes with two sets of impression trays and four sets of putty mixes to create your teeth impressions, as well as a guide on how to create a good impression and how not to make a bad one… which I have to confess I made one (I took time for granted). The impression kit is valued at $99 dollars and is the beginning of your journey, but I actually have something for you guys! I was able to get you 50% off your impression kit (Only $47 dollars), so you can also jump into it and find your way to a better, healthier and beautiful smile. Click Here!

So now that I have started my journey with Smile Direct Club, I decided that I wanted to share my experience and treatment with you, so this is the beginning of a series of updates on how my treatment is going. If you haven't checked the video above, go watch it to see me create my impressions!

Update: June 8th, 2017

Two weeks after sending my impression kit back (they paid for shipping) and my pictures for assessment. I finally received the before and after virtual video on how my treatment is going to fix my teeth (check the pictures below). Due to my teeth not needing that much help, my treatment will be only 4 months, so I will be able to have straight teeth by Christmas! I will be receiving my first set of trays (3 sets for the month in August as they take them a month to create all the sets.

I will keep you updated on my journey once I receive my first trays and let you know how it goes. I am really excited about this as it will not only take care of this crooked problem but it will build my confidence back, and I'll not have to think about a soft smile or a happy smile anymore! Thank you for reading, and I’ll see you next time! Don't forget to get social and follow me @sashazavala and The Daily Sash on Facebook to check on my latest adventures. Also, check @smiledirectclub or for more information about their treatments.

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